Mouthguard To Protect Teeth

Mouthguard Can Protect Your Teeth

Protect Your Teeth By Wearing Mouthguards

Dental injuries typically involve the two front teeth. You won’t be able to speak, smile, or chew in a normal way without your teeth. This is why you need to protect your teeth at all costs. You can prevent expensive dental work long-term teeth issues by wearing a mouthguard. Read more

Tooth Brushing

Top 9 Reasons For Professional Dental Cleanings

Top 9 Reasons to Have a Professional Dental Cleaning

We’ve all visited the dental clinic at least once or twice in our lifetime. While brushing your teeth every day keeps the dentist away, most times, it’s insufficient. That said, here are the reasons why you should get your teeth professionally cleaned. Read more


Sleep Apnea – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Ever heard of a sleeping disorder that causes you to stop breathing momentarily and not just once but multiple times in your sleep? That’s sleep apnea. Patients who have this disorder experience breathing lapses during their sleep. This condition can have severe consequences for their health. Sleep apnea minimizes the quality of sleep and interrupts the supply of oxygen to the brain. PS. To find out more about sleep apnea treatment, Call us.

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Cup of Coffee

Discover What Beverages Harm Your Teeth?

Can Beverages Harm Your Teeth? Find Out Here!

Except for water, just about every beverage you consume can damage your teeth in different ways. Some can stain your teeth, causing dark marks or yellowing. Others are acidic, causing the hard enamel covering that protects your teeth to deteriorate. And then there are the beverages containing sugar that is the preferred source of food for bacteria, causing plaque and tartar build-up resulting in cavities. If you need teeth whitening call out office

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Hispanic Family With Beautiful Smiles

10 Interesting Facts About Your Teeth

Improve Your IQ About Your Teeth

Your teeth are an integral part of your health, but most people don’t know what makes them unique. It’s the little details that are important and will help shed light on this magnificent part of the human body.

Here are 10 fun facts about your teeth and what they’re all about.

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Happy Dental Patients in Pico Rivera Composite Bonding on Teeth

Different Cosmetic Procedures Whittier Dentists Perform

Dentists Can Provide Many Cosmetic Procedures.

Dentists perform a variety of cosmetic procedures to keep the appearance of your teeth excellent. While a majority of cosmetic procedures do happen to be elective, some of the treatment options can provide dental health benefits as well. Below, we will be going over some of the different cosmetic procedures Whittier dentists perform. Read more

What Can I Do About My Missing Teeth?

What Can I Do About My Missing Teeth?

I spoke with my  favorite dentist in Whittier and he explained my options. When it comes to replacing a single tooth or a multitude of teeth, there are three prominent options a person can consider. However, whether these options are available depend on certain criteria, and they also have their share of pros and cons. The following will look at the possible fixes for missing teeth in addition to the requirements. Read more

Why Are Dental Crowns Recommended After A Root Canal?

Why Root Canals?

Root canals treatments, also called endodontics, were invented as a root canal procedure to save a tooth that in the past had to be removed due to serious decay, was cracked from biting too hard or possibly even injured to a sports injury. It is called endodontic treatment and is a form of restorative dentistry. There is a material inside the tooth’s structure called living pulp. The living pulp can become inflamed due to trauma or infection. At Whittier Square Dentistry in Whittier Ca., during the root canal treatment we will remove the infected or dead pulp along with the nerve ending inside the tooth’s root canal chamber. Then we can thoroughly clean and seal the tooth root canal chamber so we can install the crown. In the past, the tooth would have had to be removed. For information on a family dentist, check out our dedicated page here. Read more