Mouthguard To Protect Teeth

Mouthguard Can Protect Your Teeth

Protect Your Teeth By Wearing Mouthguards

Dental injuries typically involve the two front teeth. You won’t be able to speak, smile, or chew in a normal way without your teeth. This is why you need to protect your teeth at all costs. You can prevent expensive dental work long-term teeth issues by wearing a mouthguard.

Sports and physical activities involve lots of risks. You could easily get hurt during physical activity. A mouthguard can limit the injury risks to your teeth and mouth. By wearing a mouthguard during sporting events, you can prevent chipped or broken teeth, nerve damage, and tooth loss. Come to Whittier Square Dentistry, the top Dental Center.

The material used to make mouthguards absorbs the impact on the teeth and face, reducing the risk of sports-related injuries. A properly fitted mouthguard may be the key to preventing concussions.

Mouthguard To Protect Teeth

Mouthguards are essential if you grind your teeth at night. These devices, in the form of nocturnal bite plates or bite splints, can prevent tooth damage. They are custom-fitted with hard resin to suit your grinding. Properly designed nocturnal bite plates or bite splints reduce your jaw muscle activity. This, in turn, slows down the wearing down process of teeth.

Mouthguards for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea causes individuals to temporarily stop breathing while asleep. This disorder limits the amount of oxygen reaching your brain. Sleep apnea may increase your risk of stroke and heart disease.

Mouthguards keep airways open by pushing your tongue and lower jaw forward. They can help improve your sleep quality as well as prevent excessive snoring at night.

Mouthguards for TMJ

A mouthguard is a vital appliance if you suffer from temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders. TMJ issues affect chewing muscles and joints, causing pain and dysfunction. A mouthguard can hold your jaw in the right position, ensuring jaw muscles recover. This device can also stabilize your bite, reducing any pain and discomfort you may experience due to TMJ disorders.

Mouthguards for Sports

You should always wear mouthguards for sports. Dentists and physicians recommend mouthguards as an integral part of your athletic gear.

Contact and collision sports such as boxing, football, and rugby are high-risk sports. You can easily injure yourself when taking part in these games. Both adults and children should wear mouthguards for sports such as field hockey, basketball, football, soccer, and lacrosse.

Injuries aren’t limited to contact sports. They also occur in non-contact sports. You should wear mouthguards for recreational activities or non-contact sports like mountain biking, gymnastics, skating, weight lifting, skiing, surfing, martial arts, and water polo.

Mouthguards for Children

Mouthguards may seem like a foreign concept for you or your child at first. But, you’ll get used to your mouthguards by wearing them regularly. Always make sure your mouthguard fits properly regardless of the type you are wearing.

Mouthguards for Orthodontic Braces

Wearing a mouthguard can help protect braces and other orthodontic appliances such as fixed bridges. Properly fitted mouthguards will protect your orthodontic appliance from damage. A blow to your face could severely damage your orthodontic appliance. It acts as a protective barrier between your cheeks, lips, and braces, preventing gum or cheek injuries. You can fit specialty mouthguards over a set of braces to avoid soft tissue injuries.

Mouthguards Save Money

A mouthguard can save you money, whether you are grinding your teeth or playing sports. They are reasonably inexpensive and can help you save thousands of dollars in medical and dental bills due to damage or injury.

Final Thoughts

A mouthguard offers protection and can boost your sleep quality. There are several types of mouthguards, including stock mouthguards, boil-and-bite mouthguards, and custom-made mouthguards. Remember, your mouthguard should always be comfortable, durable, easy to clean, and resist tears.

Always talk to your dentist if you have no idea about the mouthguard you need. Your dentist will either recommend an OTC device or a custom-fitted mouthguard. Your dentist can also provide the best mouthguard for your child to wear while playing sports.

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  1. […] However, all types of fruit are acidic in nature, and drinking these beverages weakens that strong protective layer of the teeth. This can result in porous enamel, which will eventually cause the teeth to crack or break, […]

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