Cup of Coffee

Discover What Beverages Harm Your Teeth?

Can Beverages Harm Your Teeth? Find Out Here!

Except for water, just about every beverage you consume can damage your teeth in different ways. Some can stain your teeth, causing dark marks or yellowing. Others are acidic, causing the hard enamel covering that protects your teeth to deteriorate. And then there are the beverages containing sugar that is the preferred source of food for bacteria, causing plaque and tartar build-up resulting in cavities. If you need teeth whitening call out office

However, some beverages are more harmful than others. Check out this list of drinks that can do the most significant harm and book an appointment with Whittier Square Dentistry today:

Cup of Coffee

1. Tea And Coffee

Tea and coffee contain tannins that are naturally included in many different types of plant-based foods and beverages. These tannins cause stains on the enamel of the teeth. Darker teas and coffees are the most significant culprits, whereas lighter teas like green tea are less likely to cause stains.

While a cup or two a day isn’t going to stain your teeth instantly, staining can occur over time. It is recommended to rinse your mouth well with water or mouthwash after drinking tea or coffee to wash away those stain-producing tannins. If you are a heavy coffee drinker, brush your teeth more regularly.

2. Red Wine

Just like tea and coffee, red wine contains tannins. However, the tannins in red wine are harsher. They are more likely to stain the teeth, especially if you indulge in a glass or more regularly. Once again, rinsing after drinking red wine can significantly decrease the stains that develop over time.

Brushing after a couple of glasses is also recommended. Teeth whitening is a great solution to fade stains that have developed on your teeth.

3. Fruit Juice

There is a common misconception that fruit juice is healthy and can, therefore, do no harm. However, all types of fruit are acidic in nature, and drinking these beverages weakens that strong protective layer of the teeth. This can result in porous enamel, which will eventually cause the teeth to crack or break, compromising the dentine, which is the tooth’s soft pulpy layer. The sensitive root of the tooth lies. Tooth sensitivity is a common sign of enamel that has weakened.

Cosmetic dentistry such as crowns, bridges, and veneers are most commonly used to repair teeth that have broken or cracked due to a deterioration of the enamel. If fruit juice is your preferred beverage of choice, try drinking it through a straw to protect the enamel. Also, rinsing with water after drinking fruit juice will wash away the harmful acid. Remember that some fruit juices are more acidic than others, such as citrus so forego that slice of lemon in your drinking water.

*It is not recommended to brush teeth immediately after consuming acidic beverages. Brushing can force the acid deeper into the teeth, causing more significant harm. Rinsing with water is advisable before brushing.

Coke Beer and Wine

4. Sodas And Other Sugary Beverages

Sugar is the biggest enemy of strong, healthy teeth. It is the primary food source for plaque building bacteria in the mouth, which is the leading cause of painful and damaging cavities or caries developing.

So if you want healthy, strong teeth, it is best to avoid sugary beverages altogether. Be aware of the sugar that you put in your tea and coffee, as well as mouthwash that may contain sugar. Rinsing with water after drinking a sugary beverage is recommended, as is brushing your teeth.

5. Diet Soda

Diet soda doesn’t contain sugar, so it can’t be harmful to your teeth – right? Wrong.

The sweeteners used in diet soda are acidic and can be more damaging than sugar. Not to mention the coloring that can also stain your teeth.

6. Milk

Milk is the only beverage other than water that isn’t going to damage your teeth. It is packed full of calcium, which is the building block for strong, healthy teeth. However, it is still advisable to give your mouth a good rinse with water after drinking milk as it can cause sour, bad breath.

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  1. […] There is an added bonus when you go back to a dentist you trust and feel comfortable with. He or she can give you critical advice about things that directly influence your dental health. For instance, they might give you tips on how to brush for better results. Or they might advise you to stay away from certain foods and beverages if you have sensitive teeth or vulnerable to cavities.. […]

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